Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Two Months!!!

With two months to go we are getting more and prepared (and perhaps a little nervous) for the big day. It has been crazy trying to juggle school, work, and preparations, but it has been a fun process. I'm not trying to brag, but I am a little excited for the party. It's going to be fun...just as long as everything comes together. I must say, one of the best things about studying Interior Design while planning a wedding is that I naturally think how I am going to incorporate everything I am learning. This is especially true with the lighting design class.

The venue, an adorable and vintage Grange Hall, is perfect in every way except for the lighting situation. (It could also use some wi-fi, but that's another story.) So the test will be how we can create a good mood, despite some heavy fluorescent lighting. (I am so against that government mandate to use CFLs they are mood killers!!! and dangerous when broken...I digress...) But I've got some ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Have you gotten hooked on Pinterest like the rest of womanhood? If you're still looking for ideas (i.e. how to hide the fluorescent lighting), you may be able to find some fun ideas on there! So excited for you!
