Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's a Good Thing To Keep An Open Mind

With a groom from Renton and a bride from Spokane, you are probably wondering where we are going to live post-wedding day. For a long time the answer has been Spokane. There are lots of good reasons: I would like to finish school here, it's affordable, and there are fabulous old Craftsman-style homes to daydream about.

So that was the plan. Max would quit his job and join me out here. Idealistic, yes, but really improbable. Spokane is a horrible place to try to find a job, and why would anyone with a job in this economy willingly quit a job he likes to move to a place where he would be lucky to get a job at Wal-Mart? Optimistic me tried to ignore all that doubt and push on all pro-Spokane, but this is the reality: Spokane ain't working for ya'.

Here is the new plan, and a small bit of compromise. I will finish out the school year in June. I will still be getting married in March. But we will be living in the Seattle area. Well for a little while I will still be in Spokane, and will see Max on the weekends. Max will be headed back to the Seattle area, and I will join him once school is out, with an Associate's Degree in Interior Design. I can either finish my schooling in Seattle, or hope that a BA in French and an AA in Art can amount to something.

Either way, I think our June reunion calls for a second honeymoon.