Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's a Good Thing To Keep An Open Mind

With a groom from Renton and a bride from Spokane, you are probably wondering where we are going to live post-wedding day. For a long time the answer has been Spokane. There are lots of good reasons: I would like to finish school here, it's affordable, and there are fabulous old Craftsman-style homes to daydream about.

So that was the plan. Max would quit his job and join me out here. Idealistic, yes, but really improbable. Spokane is a horrible place to try to find a job, and why would anyone with a job in this economy willingly quit a job he likes to move to a place where he would be lucky to get a job at Wal-Mart? Optimistic me tried to ignore all that doubt and push on all pro-Spokane, but this is the reality: Spokane ain't working for ya'.

Here is the new plan, and a small bit of compromise. I will finish out the school year in June. I will still be getting married in March. But we will be living in the Seattle area. Well for a little while I will still be in Spokane, and will see Max on the weekends. Max will be headed back to the Seattle area, and I will join him once school is out, with an Associate's Degree in Interior Design. I can either finish my schooling in Seattle, or hope that a BA in French and an AA in Art can amount to something.

Either way, I think our June reunion calls for a second honeymoon.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I for one, am stoked that you're coming back to Seattle. You've been gone for far too long. Let me know when you're ready and I'll keep an eye out for jobs!
